How Will Gondor Use The One Ring Against Mordor?

it is a giftI have many nagging questions about the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I’ve read the books but I wouldn’t call myself a devoted fan so hopefully someone who’s more familiar with the material could help me. I’ve always wondered about this particular bit during the Council of Elrond, when Boromir suggested that they use the one ring against Sauron’s forces instead of destroying it. At that point we’ve only seen the ring bestow invisibility to the user and nothing else. Unless it has other supernatural powers, I fail to see how they can effectively use it against the huge Orc army of Mordor.

I have this ridiculous image of Denethor, the steward of Gondor, bestowing the ring to the best warrior of Gondor in a grand ceremony. The Chosen One then goes on a solo mission to Mordor to wreck havoc and go berserk on the Orcs, killing them nonstop as this unstoppable invisible warrior. Take your pick! Whether it’s on a battle between the armies of Mordor and Gondor and he just kills Orcs in the midst of the melee, or he goes into an Orc stronghold and just starts assassinating targets one by one behind enemy lines as this lethal commando agent. Seriously! How do you use the ring against Mordor?

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